Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beginning a New Year, even if it is only November

Who doesn't love some delicious ice cream?

I will admit, this picture is the reason for this post, for this decision, and for this life change.
Read on.
Jason and I do a pretty good job feeding our family healthy options, but sometimes, we fall into the fast food trap. If we're running late or Noah has soccer, we've been known to just pick up something on the way home. Our biggest weakness is usually pizza, which isn't horrible, and we always have a salad, but I've been known to treat the boys to McDonalds or another fast food place on occasion: maybe once a month. Everything changed when I saw this picture.
Jason handed me his weekly Newsweek and told me to look at the picture and read the caption. This in the picture is not ice cream, but rather, this is the "chicken" in the McNuggets..Yes.. it's true. Along with all of the other organs and disgusting parts that Jamie Oliver shared on his show, Food Revolution, these McNuggets are bonafide trash... and I had been feeding it to my kids. It all made me begin thinking about food, and the trash we put into our bodies, which inspired this idea:
I am beginning a *Year Without Fast Food* challenge. For one whole year, starting tomorrow, we will not buy any fast food. If we cannot sit at the restaurant and be served, we cannot eat it. If it came from a bag (aka, Taco Bell meat) it will not go into our bodies. Food also cannot be purchased from gas stations, or any other "quick" type experience.
Why? Why not!?!? Food is love, and I love my family enough to stop feeding them crap!! Another facet- eat at least 4 fruits and vegetables a day and drink enough water. How many of you meet that requirement in a day? I want to see, in a year, how much we've been missing by not eating this food, and also, will we miss it? Hard to say, but I definitely think it's worth a try!
And believe me... if you stare at that picture for long enough, you may be taking the leap to no-fast-food as well!